Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble. Baptism is a central sacramental moment in the individual’s life and a joyful event for families and the parish. Whether you are interested in being baptized yourself or in having a child baptized, we are happy to be part of this. Except in the most extraordinary circumstances, the sacrament of Baptism is administered as part of a Sunday eucharist service so the church can welcome the newly baptized into the household of God.
Parents and sponsors (godparents) presenting infants and children for baptism solemnly promise before God to bring the child they present up in the Christian faith and life. A preparation session is required to consider these responsibilities and to explore the meaning of the sacrament. About a month’s notice is needed to arrange a date for baptism. The office can give you further information about when baptisms are scheduled and provide forms required. (office{at}standrewslc.org or 401 635-2452).