We are all stewards of God’s gifts, and we have a responsibility to manage them well. Good stewardship of God’s gifts means much more than attention to matters of money. It is about our relationship with God and with each other. It is about using everything we have — our work, our wisdom, our wealth — in a Christ-like way. The parishioners of St. Andrew’s have, for 100 years, given generously of themselves in all of these ways to provide to us what we now enjoy – a wonderful vibrant parish full of God’s love. The path has not always been easy, we have not always agreed on everything, but we kept the focus on what was important. We face new challenges today, and we will overcome them together in the rich tradition of our legacy.
Jesus Christ begged no person or group to give him money for his ministry. Yet he had all he needed. How did that happen? It happened because He knows human beings have a personal need to give of their resources or we wither inside. It is our inherent need as human beings. Generosity of self is the only pathway to eternal life as Jesus so perfectly demonstrated. Our stewardship approach centers on the good feeling it brings to give of oneself to support St. Andrew’s. We are truly blessed that we as a group give so much of ourselves for this ministry.
Thank you!