Outreach Mission
The mission of the Outreach Committee of St. Andrew’s by-the-Sea is to Share God’s love by serving those in need within the Parish, within our local communities and the world beyond.
Some of our local and statewide activities include:
Love Our Neighbor - is a new ministry for Outreach here at St. Andrew’s and we are very pleased to be partnering with the United Congregational Church (UCC) and their Outreach Committee. LON is a grant program to aid residents in Little Compton, Westport, and Tiverton with expenses that are not covered or available through any other organization. The program has a comprehensive application and screening process, and very strict guidelines.
Dorcas International – Our Outreach Committee have begun work with the Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island. This agency is responsible for the resettlement of 150 Afghan families in our state. We are pleased to announce that we are working with the UCC team and hosting a town wide information night after Easter with a speaker from Dorcas to learn more about the programs they offer and how our community can help.
Sharing our culinary skills bi-monthly by preparing and serving lunch at our local Community Center, and the Salvation Army in Newport, and annual sponsorship of a Circle of Friends dinner and activities for children, teens, and young adults with special needs.
Feeding Friends is a freezer ministry that supplies frozen home cooked meals to those in need.
Weekly collections of food and financial support of the Food Banks serving the Towns of Little Compton, Tiverton, and Westport.
Hosting annual community events like Shred Day where the public can come and watch their personal papers disposed of in a completely safe way.
We invite and encourage folks to bring their furry friends and join us for Blessing of the Animals.
Annual participation in The Angel Tree Project – a ministry that purchases Christmas gifts for children for incarcerated parents.
Teaching English as a Second Language to students in neighboring Fall River
Welcome Neighbor is a program that was developed to welcome new residents to the Town of Little Compton. Packets of information including town information and services, town map, a comprehensive list of businesses and services in the area, gift certificates and other goodies are given to new homeowners.
Donations of needed supplies to our Wilbur McMahon local school
Project participation at The Little Compton Wellness Center
The Blessing Way – a weekly ministry of sharing God’s grace and guidance with men who have be incarcerated and an addition problem.
Financial support for:
Episcopal Conference Center for the programs at City Camp of Woonsocket, and Camp Scholarships. The Westport Council of Aging, Episcopal Relief for Hurricane victims, The Center for Reconciliation in Providence, The Rhode Island Lions Children Children’s Cancer Fund, and The Blessing Way.
Through Compassion International we sponsor a child and her family in Togo. Afi is given nutritious food, improved healthcare, a Christian education, birthday and Christmas gifts and our continuous support and prayers.
Financial Support of St John’s Episcopal School in Honduras