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What We Believe

Our Mission

St. Andrew's strives to be a vibrant, caring community sharing the love of God as Disciples of Christ through joyful worship and service to the world.


Our Vision

St. Andrew’s will flourish by serving our parishioners and the wider community with Christian love and acceptance.


Our Guiding Principles

Excellence:  St. Andrew’s believes that excellence honors God and inspires people. We will always strive to improve and offer our best to God and each other.


Worship:  Worship at St. Andrew’s is joyful and filled with the love and beauty of God.  We regularly explore different forms of music and worship.


Education/Growth:  St. Andrew’s is a great place to follow Jesus Christ, stretching minds and hearts in a life-long journey of spiritual growth.


Outreach:  St. Andrew’s is committed to people and ideas about generous service in Jesus’ name, with partners locally, throughout Rhode Island & Massachusetts.


Fellowship/Relationship:  St. Andrew’s is committed to respecting the dignity of every human being, having a lot of fun together, and being a vital part of life in Little Compton & Westport.


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Episcopalians are held together by basic beliefs:

• The Holy Scriptures are the revealed word of God, which inspired the human authors.

• The Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds are the basic statements of our belief about God.

• Baptism and the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) are the two great sacraments given by Christ to the Church.  We are born into God’s family through Baptism and brought to the risen Christ through Holy Eucharist.


Our strength lies in the balance of three pillars:

• Scripture: the basis of our faith upon which our worship services in the Book of Common Prayer are grounded.

• Reason: our intellect is a gift from God to interpret Scripture and to hear the different voices of faith, science, art, culture and public life.

• Tradition: we share a living faith that stretches back two millennia. Our tradition has been one of people respecting different points of view and diversity who come together in common prayer and communion with each other.


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